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Critic my hardscape


2 Sep 2017
Hi guys and girls just setting up my new tank what do you think of my wood and placment 20180908_101917.jpg I'm thinking wood only 20180908_101924.jpg
Nice wood, I’m no expert but if it was me I would try bringing the smaller piece in the right towards the front a little more. It kind of has a triangular composition as it is but try to create that front to back also. I.e. front right lowest point of scape rising up to back left as highest point. Consider securing to some rock that can be hidden under your substrate if you decide in wood only.
I'd be considering sawing that left branch shorter so the wood can move left a bit more.
If it goes more left won't be as pleasing on the eye I've tried it as the main wood is actually 3 peices
What does it look like without the smaller piece/the smaller piece incorporated into the larger? That would be a true triangular layout.

Try using the smaller piece to create some 'roots' for the main piece, by placing up 'upside down' under the thickest area of the main structure (this would normally be done with rocks as well, but I don't know how it will look without).

I am sorry to say it looks out of balance and the old design Rule, Less is more and, More is less making it very confusing.

My suggestions would be.
Remove the two branches on the left and place them on the RH side in a position that balances it out more after the substrate is added.
The RH piece of DW is even more of a distraction remove it.

Substrate where is it?
My suggestion would be give it a good slope starting at the back LH corner eg 15cm tapering it down to about 8cm level across the front.

Back to the DW. Give it a little twist (compared to the square on look now) so its pointing to the front RH corner, then place the two pieces you cut off in the best position.

Yeah wasn't happy at all so new plan let me know what you think and thanks Keith your always good at this stuff I know I need more sand on my to get it now


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I started getting interested in design work in Furniture in the early 1950s and it progressed from there. Aquascaping only just followed. my first tank was about 50 years now


This is a big improvement but not there yet.

Here are my suggestions.

Remove the branch red X its going nowhere and pointing to nothing.

RH side green arrows, rotate so the top piece is pointing into the front corner.

The green on and around the rocks leave gaps for low plants.

Grey LH position a rock to stop slippage.

Those twiggy pieces in the front will get lost in the planting, where to place them at the moment ???.

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Thanks guys not gunna get chance to look at it now for a week or so working away so got time to contemplate planting and the likes thanks
Having a good look again.
I would remove that big rock front LH it looks out of place and, replace it with the sloping rock back RH area and position it the same way as it is now.

Front RH all those small rocks they all look as if carefully placed in two straight lines.
For a temporary look remove all of them. When that big rock at the back is moved there is going to be a large area to think about.
