Recently i installed a small hang on filter just for decoration purpose. Did already put some moss and a little bolbitis in it. later on a larger fern will be added. 🙂
And today i noticed something strange in the filter. You see it at the edge of the filter sponsh. 😱

First i thought cant be true, must be death.. How did it get in it can't be sucket up? It realy must have climbed in the falling water stream up, over the moss and the bolbitis to get in there.. After taking a closer look it was happily feasting and munching on the filter sponche. No idea for how long it was in there or planning to stay, realy had to dismantle the filter to get it in the aquaruium again. Crazy!!
And today i noticed something strange in the filter. You see it at the edge of the filter sponsh. 😱

First i thought cant be true, must be death.. How did it get in it can't be sucket up? It realy must have climbed in the falling water stream up, over the moss and the bolbitis to get in there.. After taking a closer look it was happily feasting and munching on the filter sponche. No idea for how long it was in there or planning to stay, realy had to dismantle the filter to get it in the aquaruium again. Crazy!!