Tank GAD: 100x23x17 (30 liters)
Light DIY Led Gu10 with 4 independent channels [ 3xBLUE 1,3W + 2xRED 1,3W + 2x4W 4000ºK + 4x3W 6500ºK + 2x4W 6500ºK dimmable]
HELP Specialized Plant [and maybe black volcanic sand above, the Help substrate is too light]
Eheim 2211 and connected to a bigger tank (for heating, filtering, fertilizing, Co2, etc)
plants (already in stock)
vallisneria spiralis mini
eleocharis sp mini
staurogyne repens
rotala nanjenshan
hemianthus micranthemoides (para o arranque)
hemianthus callitrichoides
alternanthera reineckii 'Mini'
To buy (or not)
Anúbia petit ou nana
Pogostemon Helferi (1 or 2 )
Ríccia dwarf (maybe)
Utriculária graminifolia
2 small surprises
corydoras habrosus
corydoras pygmaeus
Shrimp (not shore yet)