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Couple of questions from a newbie


6 Jan 2018
Hi ,

Have just setup a planted nano, I’ve added some surface plants (partly to stop jumpers). Salvinia.

Would i be correct in saying that these also help trap co2 bubbles and retain these in the aquarium rather than loosing them to the surface? Or is this negligible?

They seem to be very fast growers, will this be at the detriment of the other plants. I am a newbie and I’m using profito daily ferts. Should I feed more?

Thanks folks
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Profito doesn't contain N or P which are vital to plantgrowth.
Your cheapest option is going for EI dry ferts, you can find them from the forum's sponsors
For feeding you can look to "The duckweed index" by our member Darrell, by which you feed when the floaters slow down. These are not limited by low CO2 levels thus show optimal growth restricted by feeding alone.