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Coral dip for plants?


24 May 2013
Hi guys

I know this sounds stupid but could I use some of the coral dip (coral rx) to steralize my plants before adding them to my tank. My thinking is if it's safe to use on corals in my reef tank it shouldn't hurt a bunch of vallis.......... but I probably wrong so thought I'd ask for the advice from you good people.

People use dilute bleach (used this works well to remove snails) and potassium permanganate. Have to be careful with permanganate as can stain everything, hands, kitchen work tops, clothes as well as plants pink/purple.

Why do you want to sterilise the plants anyway ?
I'm adding them to an established tank with some rare fish that I've had a long time, I was more worried about diseases like whit spot etc. Snails don't worry me
Try a preventative bath of eSHa Gastropex - apparently it not only kills snails but micro-organisms.
Cheers troi, I haven't got that in my cupboard but I do have esha 2000. I asked about the coral dip as I have it on the shelf and it kills little bugs and worms on corals in 5 minuted and does no harm to them.
Hi all,Not sure, bleach and potassium permanganate definitely work. If you are just worried about introducing Planaria etc. a bath in bottled carbonated water should kill them off.

cheers Darrel

Would Hydrogen Peroxide have the same effect on planaria?