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Converting to low tech...

When I first got this tank, I didn't have any idea what I was doing. I had a 10 hour photoperiod with no plants. I had minimal algae problems.
Lol (in a good way 😉 there are so many things going on in our tanks that we have no clue of. We claim to know but it's just the tip of the iceberg. Like going to the moon to bring a rock back pointless. It's what works for you. Good luck.

Sustainable Aquaria
Whenever anybody has any algae problems, they are given the following advice:

'too much light. Cheers,'

My experience (and that of many others) directly contradicts this, but those who keep maintaining that light is the root of all evil never seem to be able to respond to experiences like this or provide an explanation for why this is the case.

When I had no idea what I was doing, my tank did fine. It was only when I started to mess around with Co2 and high flow that I started getting problems.