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Congratulations Mark Evans of Tropica!

Dan Crawford

21 Jun 2007
Daventry, Northants
A press release sent out by Tropica Aquarium Plants....

"Tropica is pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Evans in a new role as Aquatic Expert.

Mark Evans is already a well-known name within the aquarium community as a judge in aquascaping competitions, photographer and video producer, as well as an expert on the UK Aquatic Plant Society (UKAPS) Internet forum in the UK.

The appointment of Mark Evans is part of our ambition to further develop and promote our concepts and relationship with the trade, says Managing Director Lars Green.

With Mark’s expert knowledge about aquascaping, products within the aquarium industry, and intimate knowledge of aquatic forums, we have taken a step to get the hobby involved with the trade. Our aim is to develop tools that make it easier for hobbyists to achieve success with this wonderful hobby.

Mark will remain based in the UK, but will frequently visit Denmark to work with our development team but also sales in the UK to trade."

Please join me in congratulating Mark, we have all learned something from him and I for one look forward to seeing what he and the folks at Tropica can develop.
Superb.. I am very happy for the community in general, and for Mark as well..

I have met very few people like him, so knowledgeable, and humble at the same time.. a great asset to Tropica, and it is great on them to recognize his talent.
Thats great news and shadow what others have already said, couldnt happen to a more helpful, knowledgeable and humble guy.
Not only will this be a great thing for Tropica and aquascaping on the whole I feel this will can only strengthen the position of the hobby in the UK.

Living the dream now mark:thumbup:
Hi guys, and many thanks.

It's a great to get support from you guys, and hopefully, i can deliver whats needed of me.

I've been off line for a while, but soon, in the coming months, i should get a new journal going with the 120cm

Again, many thanks to you all. going right back to my early days in the hobby, when i was initially inspired by George Farmer, none of this would have been possible without the help of many on this very forum.

Now, back to work....
Congratulations Mark.
With your experience and skill set you will be a huge asset both to Tropica and to the continued progression and exposure of the hobby :thumbup:
Youve obviously been very busy, but I for one am very much looking forward to another journal, they do inspire us 🙂
Well done mate.

Those that can pursue a successful career in a subject they're passionate about - well that's a great position to be in. I was going to say "lucky", but you've worked your butt off over the last few years, and in this case you've certainly created your own "luck".

I'm really chuffed Tropica have recognised your talents and wish you every success. The UK planted aquarium and aquascaping hobby is in a stronger position than ever now.

Congratulations! 🙂
Thanks chaps. Cheers George.

Very soon (next few days)

I'll be announcing 2 upcoming events, regarding 2 rather large aquariums. (approx 5000L and the other being approx 10000L)

We need hands on help with these projects, and i'll be looking for some major support from you guys. They're both to be planted aquariums, but i'll fill you all in with all the details soon.

Once i return from Denmark, i'll be making a post with details of both aquariums and dates etc. I look forward to your input 🙂

