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Congratulations Graeme!!


8 Jul 2007
Cheshire, UK
PFK popped through my door this morning.. Aquascaping contest results were init!!!

I was pleased to see that Graeme had won the under 60cm category!!!

Well done old bean!

Well done old chap, bravo!

A well diserved win me thinks 😉
Yes, a well-deserved win for Graeme.

Please don't mentiion the other winners though, as they may not have received notification from PFK (or me) yet.

After the 3rd of Oct is fine.
yes well done Graeme well deserved.

thanks george 😉
Well played Graeme. This was one of the tanks that inspired me to go planted last September when I was putting out the newbie feelers on getting a fish tank.

George Farmer said:
Yes, a well-deserved win for Graeme.

Please don't mentiion the other winners though, as they may not have received notification from PFK (or me) yet.

After the 3rd of Oct is fine.

ooops.. sorry i jumped the gun... I just got too excited. Mums the word until Oct 3rd then 🙂