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Community tank spawning - Everywhere!


New Member
24 Mar 2024
I have had my tank up and running for a year. Planted with loads of plants, but only the most hardy have survived.

Every young fish I brought home has now grown up, reached adulthood, and now everyone is having a go and spawning!!
I've had to take the male Ancistrus out, because they were only 9 months when they started, and I didn't realise they had spawned, and the next lot well, i didn't stand a chance. But i'm chuffed none the less, my Sterbai Corydoras have successfully spawned, they don't lay loads of eggs, but i've managed to raise 6 first born/spawned fry (50% survival), found another younger sterbai in the filter, with what has now turned out as two dwarf corydoras and 3 dwarf emerald danios, and more this week! Then in my 20 gallon, i've just spotted the Gudgons have successfully spawned, not in great numbers, but there they are, after two months, settled in and making it home.

Why am i so excited? I've had hell with my water supply; extremely hard water, varying pH, but in spite of this, i've established balance, and all the fish are telling me through spawning that conditions are good.
Its a struggle for my filter, a Fluval 307 on my 252 Shaker, but i just check it every week due to the amount of plecos, and the tiny fry i keep finding in there - even though i have a course sponge covering inlet (anything finer restrcits the flow). My water changes are between 40% and 50% to deal with the quantity of plecos and waste generated.

Any way, just wanted to share, as I never expected them all to kick off at the same time, its just really encouraging that all the effort is so worth it, and i hope this is an encouragement to others.

So now I have a fry nursery tank, and the Sterbai have graduated from that 12 litre to the 20 gallon today. My LFS is loving it, i've gifted them so many, I now am offered free live food when i visit, which is brill.

Next project is to get an RO system to balance the water minerals when topping up.