Hullo from York 🙂
Not new to fishkeeping but feeling some fresh energy for it. Just the one tank these days, a 270(ish) litre Rena running for 15 years with two house moves. Started with fancy goldfish, ended up with Congo tetra and synodontis. Due to disability and life “stuff” I have somewhat de-prioritised (read: neglected) the tank over the last few years so I’m looking to bring it back to its former glory. I recently “discovered” the glorious reedfish so I’m hoping to spend the next year or so moving the tank in the right direction to house one, if my elderly synos will permit one in their realm.
I don’t know that I’ll ever become a true planted tank nerd - I am “a bear of very little brain” these days and the deep lore of NPKCO2TDSGHKH is perhaps something I won’t be able to devote many neurons to, but I’d definitely like to try even if my approach ends up being more “vibes based”. If it ends up green and not all that green is algae, I’ll be happy enough 🙂
Not new to fishkeeping but feeling some fresh energy for it. Just the one tank these days, a 270(ish) litre Rena running for 15 years with two house moves. Started with fancy goldfish, ended up with Congo tetra and synodontis. Due to disability and life “stuff” I have somewhat de-prioritised (read: neglected) the tank over the last few years so I’m looking to bring it back to its former glory. I recently “discovered” the glorious reedfish so I’m hoping to spend the next year or so moving the tank in the right direction to house one, if my elderly synos will permit one in their realm.
I don’t know that I’ll ever become a true planted tank nerd - I am “a bear of very little brain” these days and the deep lore of NPKCO2TDSGHKH is perhaps something I won’t be able to devote many neurons to, but I’d definitely like to try even if my approach ends up being more “vibes based”. If it ends up green and not all that green is algae, I’ll be happy enough 🙂