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Collecting Leaves?

Ben M

1 Sep 2009
hi, i'm going to be collecting some leaves for my shrimp tank tomorrow. i know that oak leaves are safe, but are beech or any other leaves? also, do they need to be dead when i collect them, or can i pick alive ones, and leave them on a windowsill to dry out?

and how do i prepare them for the tank?

finally, in my other tanks could i put some in the filter to add tannins for the fish and plants?

cheers 😀
Pick only the dead ones, make sure that they are not from a polluted area e.g. by the roadside, then give them a good wash (without soap or chemicals). You can leave them on the windsill to dry. Oak leaves are okay but i dont no much about the other leaves though sorry.
Could you tell me what benefit leaves have in a shrimp tank?
I'm lead to believe it's a lot of their natural diet and they also harbour huge colonies of macro-flora which they feed upon.
Beech leaves are okay,usually they stay on the tree until Spring when the new leaves push them off so don't come into contact with the ground so should be cleaner than other leaves.Can lower the PH of your water.Seen a beaut of a tank today with beech leaves,alder twigs and cones holding some wild caught Altums and dwarf checker board cichlids, first time seeing Altums in the flesh
wow, that tank must have been amazing! my granddad has a beech hedge, which is near a road, but will the leaves on the other side be ok? if not, i can find other beech leaves.

cheers 😀
beech leaves are my favourite as they decompose slowly in the tank and are quite small (aesthetically pleasing to me).

They do not release many tannins, and they do not make any noticeable difference to water. i.e. they do not soften it like oak leaves do.

thanks Matt. I've collected loads of beech leaves today form a wood near my Grandparents, so i've got plenty now. 😀 i agree that the beech leaves will look better, especially in a nano.

cheers 😀