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cold water.


11 Nov 2013
For a planted tank to survive?

When I grew java fern immersed it would of been between 15-20 celsius, it survived but its growth rate too slow. But I don't know if thats simply because it wanted to be under water.

In my search for something that looks prehistoric I came across this.. http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/features/articles/quick-guide-to-snakeheads about snakeheads.

there are 2 that grow to 8 inch max. Which would work for me. providing the plants would survive.

more specifically, does anyone know if echinodorus, aponogeton, java fern, crypts, sagittaria will still grow at like 22 celsius?
My largest low light low tech, 110 litre is 22°C / 22,5°C during the time heaters are needed, thats the majority of the year. During the warmer summer there is a short periode few months above 22°C because the tank takes approx. room temp. I think this gives the fish, likely the plants too a beneficial seasonal cycle.

This tank grows,
Crypt, wilissii, indonesii, walkeri, albida, costata, parva, spiralis var caud. and wendtii brown
M. pteropus, regular, taiwan, phillipine, orange, mini needle
Bolboitis heudelotii
Aponogeton robinsonii
Anubias barteri, nana, nana petite, golden, several larger unidentified barteri.
eleocharis acicularis
Lomariopsis cf. lineata
Nymphaea cultivar

Fisidens fontanus
Taxiphyllum sp.

Some beautifull green clado on hardscape

Salvinia natans
Hygrorhiza arista

Some BBA at times.

Non realy (except the bba) gives me the run around and do relatively good but all is very slow. 🙂 The fastest propagotors in this tank are surprisingly the Lomariopsis cf. lineata, the Crypt wendtii and fisidens moss. 🙂 Tho Fisidens stay very low and very small at substrate level, but it spreads around the tank on its own popping up at all corners. Close to the surface it grows way bigger and faster. :thumbup:

Oh the echinodurs does also good in the 23°C high tech.. Can't believe it will suffer from 1 degree colder.. 🙂 I think 15°C will be about the limit for most sub/tropicals. Anything north american e.g sagittaria or juncens repens perish bellow 10°C.. Bellow 10 is also fatal for Java fern.
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My heater is set to 20c and grows all of those plants strongly even in winter (summer time it gets a few degrees warmer).