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Cold water plants and stickleback?


24 May 2013
Hello guys

I currently have an empty 4x1x1 tank in my garage that I'd like to set up with a small group of stickleback. The garage is internal to the house but has no central heating ( water temp is 13c now).

Id like to set the tank up with no heater as I already have a large cichlid and reef tank so I'm trying to keep running costs down. Filtration will be a ecco pro 300 eheim and I have a small tmc tile spare.

What plants would you recommend for this set up.......... bearing in mind temp may drop to 10c ish? Do you think the stickleback would be ok in the summer even unheated I'm guessing the tank my get around 24c? Could I use native plants ?

Thanks alot
I dont know for sure on the maximum temperature but a pond next to my parents house has stickleback in. It regularly freezes over in winter and gets really hot in summer to the point the fire brigade used to keep filling it up. Its about 2ft deep at its deepest id id imagine water temp could be up in the 20s mid summer.
Unfortunately the council buggered about with it and all the fish are now gone. Ive often thought about re introducing them but dont know if its legal to do.
Thanks Lawrence Im not worried about the low temps....... as you mention shallow natural waters would heat up quickly in summer and they seem to live quite happily
I had a look on the planted tank for you and I found Amazon Frogbit. Its very adaptable 4 - 32c apparently, medium lighting (I use x2 T8) and its difficulty to look after is easy. I got a bunch for free from Darrel (what a guy!) and in my tank its happy at 26c and big fish. Hope this helps.
Thanks Darrell

I'll look into those species, I've got access to loads of freshwater pools so might go digging around and see what I can find..

Do you think the stickleback will cope with an indoor tank through the summer ? I can't seem to find anyone who's kept them long term