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Cockatoo's Hut ... and [UPDATE]Green Fun

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Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l


you might lose the path in the middle once the crypts take off, or it might just turn out awesome 🙂

one of my favorite new scapes on ukaps!
Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

Before another update of my 'scape I wanted to post a couple of pictures of my fish for lil-lynx 🙂
Regarding the aquarium I had some ups and downs, I had to replace the wood 'cause it was floating after I pulled out the rocks that sustained it and I also had some temperature problems due to hot weather but now it's ok, back to 27 degrees Celsius. Hopefully I can catch up with AGA this year.

The pictures taken before I planted the Eleocharis parvula lawn 🙂

My bad bad apisto who's trying to fight his own reflection.

8x1st4.jpg 2rrp62t.jpg

Isn't him the image of total cuteness? 😀


And another dude:

Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

Update after my vacation, unfortunately strong lights, poor flow = bba + 3 days of cleaning, hopefully the tank is back on track with my new DIY Flow-O-Matic, the green thingy on the right. 🙂

N-60 / P>2 (my mother's dosing) :lol:


Lighting now: 1x965 + 1xAM Plant Grow
Replaced also the JBL CO2 reactor with a glass diffuser.
Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

I'm diggin' the last shot mate! 😉

try taking the photo, not so close to end of the photoperiod. the stems are closed
Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

Tx mate. The sterns are closing around 8 pm. I'll take the next photo at around 7. A bit difficult for me because I'm not always at home at that hour.

A full tank photo when the baby cory is big enough to get moved with his home in another tank.
I have some ugly equipment in it right now. 🙂

Anyway the plants are recovering and are on the right track.
A little bit of algae here and there but under control.

Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

Another picture taken after the sterns closed I'm afraid.

Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

Thank you. I'll do a full tank shot today before trimming 🙂

Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

A couple of pictures with my dudes 🙂


Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

looks brilliant tank, have a look on my journal if you like cockatoo's 🙂

v v v v v
Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

And the workshop final result:


desaturated a bit .. need to buy a colder light for background the halogen one it's too warm for my taste.


Sorry to post them here but I didn't want to open another topic 🙂

The fish are a little bit stressed unfortunately.
Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l + local workshop pictures

Some driftwood collected by a fellow of mine from a local river. Had them in my tanks for about 6 months and they are still in very good shape 🙂

Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l + local workshop pictures

And back to the tank ..
A pic before heavy trimming and cleaning 😀
Still need to play more with my newest addition Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 50mm f2.8 (M42) ..


LE: Cleaned the glass and replaced the picture
Re: [UPDATE]Cockatoo's Hut 112l + local workshop pictures

I really like the 'sparse' look of the tank. The images are of a great quality to. :thumbup:
Re: [UPDATE]Cockatoo's Hut 112l + local workshop pictures

Thanks mate for your kind comments, tomorrow I'll take a free day from work to trim it and prepare it for a local contest held at the end of this month. If I move fast I'll catch the noon sun during the day photo session.

Re: [UPDATE]Cockatoo's Hut 112l + local workshop pictures

And an update of the workshop aquarium, not very satisfied with DOF, well, better next time :lol:


The journal aquarium is going trough "replanted and waiting to grow" stage. 🙄
