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Cockatoo's Hut ... and [UPDATE]Green Fun

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Tank size (cm): 80x35x40
Tank volume: 112 litres
Lighting: 4 x Osram 965 T5 24w (2 working now)
Filtration: JBL e900
Powerheads: 1 x Sicce Voyager 1
Co2: Yeast, pressurised in a day or so
Ferts: EI via Easy Life products
Substrate: JBL AquaBasis + peat moss + JBL Manado
Hardscape: apple & drift wood

Flora: Glossostigma Elatinoides, Hydrocotyle Verticillata, Cryptocoryne beckettii ''petchii' (?)' & undulatos "red", Lindernia rotundifolia 'Variegated', Staurogyne sp., Didiplis Diandra, Rotala indica, green & mini, Ludwigia arcuata & brevipes, Hygrophila pinnatifida, Ammania sp 'bonsai', Cyperus Helferi

Fauna: Apistogramma cacatuoides, Hemigrammus rodwayi, Otocinclus affinis, Corydoras aeneus, Cardinia japonica (all sleeping when I took the picture) :shh:

This is my second time trying a "high tech" planted tank, the first attempt turned in an algae disaster due PPS dosing and poor water flow so I switched to EI and 10x+ turnover and now everything is fine 🙂. I'm still working on my photographic skills so please don't mind the bad picture. I''ll try one without equipments in a week or so after the plants will grow a bit and after I'll turn on all the lights (one of the electronic ballasts is broken and needs replacement).


Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

Well, What to say about this one? Thats an easy question to answer, Your layout looks faultless to me, Very pleasing. The wood planted area is very nicely complemented by the left hand side. Top job with plant choice too, Should look great when matured.

Ps, I wonder why they call that powerhead
? :lol:
Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

Thanks mate :wave: It will look better and not so 2d like now when all the Didiplis, Rotala and Ludwigia will turn into some hopefully good looking bushes. Hygrophila pinnatifida is new to me and I don't know how will look or if I need to replant it elsewere.

Dunno why Voyager, good they didn't make a Deep Space Nine version. :lol:
Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

clonitza said:
Thanks mate :wave: It will look better and not so 2d like now when all the Didiplis, Rotala and Ludwigia will turn into some hopefully good looking bushes. Hygrophila pinnatifida is new to me and I don't know how will look or if I need to replant it elsewere.

Dunno why Voyager, good they didn't make a Deep Space Nine version. :lol:

haha Yeah, Thatll get ya plants growing warp speed! :lol:
Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

This ones got a nice atmosphere to it with the colours and I like the unusual bulkier wood shapes. Great leaf shapes on the crypts too!
Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

looks incredibly amazing 🙂 can i ask whats that thing on the top left diffuser ? power head ? also how are you finding LAquaBasis + peat moss + JBL Manado does it go cloudy when disturbed ?
Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

Great start, will look even better when it all fills in 🙂
Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

That thingy is either cptn Kathryn Janeway's ship stuck in this wormhole or my shirmp's carousel :lol:
Thanks mates for your kind comments. 😀

Update: My torpedo has come so bye bye yeast CO2 thingy :wave: and hopefully tomorrow I'll turn all the lights on.
Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

lil-lynx said:
also how are you finding LAquaBasis + peat moss + JBL Manado does it go cloudy when disturbed ?

Sorry I forgot to answer you. I didn't wash Manado and this is a no no, so when pulling out crypts gets really messy 'cause of the peat moss and the dust from Manado but I try not to move them very often, with stern plants I don't have this issue when I pull them. Anyway I've got good flow so everything settles down in half an hour.

I was wandering in front of the tank today if I should replace the Ludwigia Arcuata and Brevipes with more Rotala indica from another thank ... I'll decide this at the end of the week. Today I'm doing another big wather change, re fertilize and start the second pair of lights.

I've received today 2 x Osram 880 T5 24w so I'll give them a try to see how it looks.

Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

thanks for the information would love to see what it looks like with 2 x Osram 880 🙂 . you must upload more pictures 😀
Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

I will do that very soon, but from Monday to Thursday I'm getting home after my fish go to sleep and I don't want to disturb them very often. 🙂

Re: Cockatoo's Hut 112l

Photo update:
I've edited the photo to remove the glass scratches, unfortunately I have a lot of them but I don't want to replace the glass until this scape is not finished.

I've trimmed the plants a bit and I've removed some of them so it doesn't look that well right now, I need to wait for the rotalas on the left to grow.

I'll remove the stones that holds the branches this weekend and place the front branch a little bit backwards.
I'm waiting for the close-up lens for my camera and I'll put next time photos with the inhabitants. 🙂
