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CO2 with sponge filters and botanicals


25 Oct 2019
Hello everyone

I'm currently running a little 45x30x30 cm tank that I set up at around the start of November. Fish have been in there for about 2 months and I added the first plants in there on 14 December. I am considering adding a tiny bit of CO2 to this tank and I'm wondering what options I might have for this as I'm using just one air driven sponge filter for this tank, so there is not a lot of water movement within the tank itself. There is quite a lot of surface agitation, but that's from a fan I have blowing across the top to keep temperatures low enough for its inhabitants.

Just wanted to hear everyone's thoughts on CO2 diffusion methods for folks using sponge filters as their primary form of filtration. I don't really want to get a powerhead for this tank because the inhabitants are very small fish and I don't think they will appreciate the flow. An in tank diffuser seems like the way to go, but where should I place my diffuser so that the bubbles don't simply rise up into the atmosphere and get wasted? Or will the CO2 be beneficial to the plants even if I don't have much flow to push the CO2 bubbles around?

Also, I like to keep some leaf litter in this tank. I'm avoiding catappa leaves because I find that these leach a lot of tannins, but I throw a handful of botanicals in this tank every two weeks or so. I am curious as to whether anyone has ever supplemented CO2 for their plants in their botanical tanks? If so would it would be great to hear from others' experiences.
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