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CO2 regulator issues


2 May 2019
Dublin, Ireland
Hi all,

Apologies if was discussed before.
My CO2Art regulator seems to develop a small leak that empties a 2kg bottle in about 24h.
I verified all connections with soapy water and no bubbles.

As test I connected the regulator to a new bottle and pressurised both low and high presure sides. The high pressure gauge reads 850psi (full bottle) and low pressure reads almost 50psi (usual pressure with solenoid valve closed).
After 10 hours, the high pressure dropped to about 600psi and the low pressure is the same.

The regulator has been purchased back in November 2015.

Any suggestions how can I identify and fix the leak ?

If I need to purchase a new regulator I have the options to choose between Blau, JBL and CO2Art.
What would be your recommendation.

Thank you very much in advance
Do you have an option to dunk the whole regulator underwater whilst connected? This would show the leak, it must be a biggie as it's emptying very fast.. I could hear my leaks on my regs if I put my head nearby.

My honest opinion is to get a new reg and look at alternative brands. I've just replaced my co2art reg with a strideways pro.. similar price but quality is sooooo much better. I had several occasions where my co2art began leaking through the years; failing solenoids, joints began to leak etc etc. several repairs later and I gave up... Co2art do have a great customer service though.. just my two cents.
Do you have an option to dunk the whole regulator underwater whilst connected?
Just few minutes ago, this is exactly what I did. Such a coincidence 😁😁

I've just replaced my co2art reg with a strideways pro..
This regulator looks great, found it in Nederlands.
Getting thinks from UK to Ireland very prohibitive since Brexit.

Found 2 leaks ,one at the high pressure gauge and one at the stem were goes in to the regulator body.
The regulator served me without any issues since 2016, great build.

Indeed Co2Art do have very good customer service, been on constant communication with them for the last few days trying to identify the issue.
Will try to fix the leaks and give it a go, if not, get a new one.

Many thanks for advice
No worries, if you had found the leak.. get some gas rated pft tape, remove the leaky gauge and joint and and wrap the tape around the threads and screw back together.. it should stop the problem, unless the guage is leaking from the glass.
I fully understand the Brexit issue, it's a nightmare. The whole regulator from strideways is fab, from the needle valve to the steel it's made from. I can't recommend enough

@[UWSL]NinjaMonkey[/UWSL]: many thanks for advise.​

The guys from Co2Art recommended to strip down the regulator, give it a good clean and reseal all leaks with Loctite 542.
It seems to be a better solution (not cheaper) to gas ptfe tape.

Hopefully will squeeze a bit of life from my old banger, otherwise Strideways Pro is next on my shopping list.