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CO2 or liquid carbon for a nano setup?


22 Feb 2013
As per the title, what would you recommend?

I know both have their pros and cons.

Are those nano CO2 setup worth it? The 95g ones.

Posted from the comfort of my iPhone...
I am not sure what you want to know...you can grow plants in a low tech without introducing any additional co2 = the plants grow very slowly.
You can add liquid C02 and growth will speed up or you can add a pressurised C02 system & the plant will grow faster still!
Do you want a really lush looking tank with dense foliage but more maintenance?
I presonally wouldnt waste my time or money with pressurised sysyem unless it has a solenoid fitted
I use liquid carbon in my 35l and even at 3x dose it lasts ages tnc carbon is less than £20/litre and standard dose is 1ml for 50l tank but it does restrict how much light you can use. I have 3x 8w t5 lights over my tank and at 3xdose i get a small amount of bba so i just use 2 because i cant raise lights up. Liquid carbon is not as effective as pressurised co2 but im getting reasonable growth with no algae
I presonally wouldnt waste my time or money with pressurised sysyem unless it has a solenoid fitted
I use liquid carbon in my 35l and even at 3x dose it lasts ages tnc carbon is less than £20/litre and standard dose is 1ml for 50l tank but it does restrict how much light you can use. I have 3x 8w t5 lights over my tank and at 3xdose i get a small amount of bba so i just use 2 because i cant raise lights up. Liquid carbon is not as effective as pressurised co2 but im getting reasonable growth with no algae
Do you have fish in this tank? I ask because they advise you to not overdose.
Yes 5 ember tetras, 3corys, and 5 amano shrimp
If you have breeding CRS or other sensitive shrimp i wouldnt reccomend more than 2x dose because I've read reports that it slows breeding down. If i dose more than 2ml into my 35l corys sit on bottom of tank for about 4 hours and shrimp hang at surface, so they obviously dont like it