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Co2 kits & EI ferts

Planted Bows

19 Jun 2015
Hi all,

Not sure if I've posted in the right place but hey ho.

I'm looking for a FE co2 kit as a whole set plus EI Ferts where would I be able to get this from?
I've looked on a few sites but they don't seem to sell the FE bottle? Just the other equipment that goes with it.

Many thanks in advance
For the CO2, have a look at CO2Art, one of the forum sponsors. They do full kits and have varying levels of kit these days depending on what you want and your budget. From my experience, great kit, very helpful people, good customer service:


For the EI Ferts, have a look at Aquarium Plant Foods:


They do a good starter kit:


Most places don't sell the FE bottle. An FE is a Fire Extinguisher, you buy the kit and then pick up a CO2 Fire Extinguisher where ever works for you locally. If you can't find a local source, you can get them on Ebay at a reasonable price. Personally, I e-mailed every single fire company in the yellow pages in my local area and asked if they would sell me old expired CO2 FE's. Most of them were not bothered, not enough profit in there for them, but the smaller companies are happier to sell cheaper older FE's, gives them some cash for them and they do'nt have to dispose of them. I pay £5 per 2Kg FE.
Thank you for your reply 🙂

I will have a look over them now.

Will just have to wait until I come across one from somewhere.