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Co2 Inline diffuser&UV sterilizer


22 Jan 2025
Hey all
I am a total newbie & Im setting up my oase styleline 125 up next week.
I have an Oase Biomaster 600 & Im not able to find a definitive answer online concerning my worry.
Do I install the Co2 Inline diffuser before the UV sterilizer? Or do I install the UV sterilizer then the Co2 inline diffuser??
If I install the co2 after should I give an extra foot of hose to give the gas more time to disperse?
I appreciate any help with this. Its my first post so I hope Im in the right place!!
Thanks all.
right place
I certainly hope you are.

I use in-line UV, makes no difference in a tank for algae but great for controlling disease and thereby protecting fish, especially if the water chemistry isn't quite ideal for them. My black mollies - in water <10 KH, suffer if I let the bulb fail and don't replace it promptly. In a pond UV is I think a must to prevent green water. Been keeping tropical fish since the 1960s, I've never had green water in an aquarium.

My CO2 is currently on a separate feed but I have used in-line diffusion. However, I doubt it makes any real difference how you configure things. A good in-line ceramic diffuser will produce such a fine mist immediately in the output tubing from the ceramic disc, on the return to the tank, that an extra 6 inches of tubing doesn't matter.
My one 'pennyworth' is that I'm not keen on CO2 being fed into the filter, I want maximum oxygen in the filter and of course, the microbes in the filter produce some CO2.

Good luck with the new tank and do post a picture or two when you are happy with things.