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CO2 Distribution and Algae issue


17 May 2009
Hi There,

Not sure if this post should sit in Algae or CO2 ? but here goes.

I have a planted tank, running for around 5 years, stats as below;

Tank specifications - 4ft x 19" x 15"/approx 45 gallons
Lighting - 2 x Arcadia T8's 42" 38w Arcadia Freshwater/Tropical - Photoperiod - 7hrs a day.
CO2 – D&D CO2 Set – on 2hrs before lights on and switched off 1hr before lights off
Filtration - 2 x Eheim 2224 - returning through spraybars & Hydor Koralia 1 for improved flow
Fertilisation routine – TPN+ every 2 days at 10ml, Flourish Excel dosed intermittently to try and eliminate the algae
Water Changes – Once a week with HMA filtered water

The problem I have is related to poor growth rate and algae forming on mostly one side of the tank, I'm pretty sure it's related to poor water flow and CO2 circulation. I've attached a picture (hopefully) of the tank setup with spraybars and korali location, what I find is that growth is faster on the right hand side of the tank where the CO2 comes in, against the left hand side of the tank where growth is slower and I have algae forming. I'm looking for some advice on the best placement for the spraybars, koralia and diffuser as I'm struggling to get good CO2 circulation, at present I have the diffuser sited under one of the eheim inlet pipes, so it travels through the filter and is fed out the spray bar, I’m not sure if this is the best method for a tank this size ? I’m also struggling with algae forming on the plants, it looks like hair algae and nothing I do seems to prevent it forming on the plants.
Any advice would be great……

Hi Mike,

From what I have been reading, and from my own experience, I would say that you are not dosing enough nutrients for the CO2 and light you have.

For a 45G tank I would dose 10ml TPN+ daily, with two 20% water changes a week to prevent build up of nutrients.

I have a 22G tank, and had issues with green hair algae on my plants, so I am dosing a 10ml EI solution similar to TPN+ daily, plus I got CO2 and I add 5ml of easycarbo daily.

I got a Koralia nano on the opposite side of the difuser, to force the water to move around the tank.

This site has good tips to deal with algae:

The way I am setting up EI is as follows.

1 - Using JamesC recommended solution (www.theplantedtank.co.uk) I have adapted it a little for my tank, I am giving more nutrients as I got lots of CO2 and EasyCarbo, so that algae does not take hold.

2 - I use 500ml of tap water and mix the following:
# 10g Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) = 2 tsp
# 1.2g Potassium Phosphate (monobasic) (KH2PO4) = 1/4 tps
# 4.0g Potassium Sulphate (K2SO4) = +- 3/4 tsp
# 8.0g Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate (Epsom Salts) (MgSO4) = 2 tsp

3 - Dosing is 5ml per 40 litres, so for my tank of 120L I give 10 to 15ml.

4 - 10ml of EasyCarbo per day, in the morning, arround two hours after lights are turned on. Pressurised CO2 is constantly on, with the colour indicator always light green.

5 - The schedule is as follows:
- Monday -->> EI dosing 10ml
- Tuesday -->> TPN
- Wednesday -->> EI dosing 15ml
- Thursday -->> 20% water change and EI dosing 15ml
- Friday -->> EI dosing 15ml
- Saturday -->> EI dosing 10ml
- Sunday -->> 50% water change and EI dosing 15ml
Im no exspert, But i think it may be the spraybar layout, you are sending jets of water towards each other wich i think wont produce return on the clash in the centre. if you was to place the spray bars along the back so jets where to go from the back to the front glass and down, Maybe that would help, You can keep you koralia at the co2 exit to get it around the tank. Maybe that might help.
I'm with chilled place you're bars are the back of the tank. The only issue I'd say is that 2224's are pretty gutless, I have one that I use on a nano for the simple reason I don't think they produce anywhere near the stated 700lph.
Garuf said:
I'm with chilled place you're bars are the back of the tank. The only issue I'd say is that 2224's are pretty gutless, I have one that I use on a nano for the simple reason I don't think they produce anywhere near the stated 700lph.

Good grief! someone agreed with me. haha thats a first! I must be learning. Cheers mate.
Thanks for the avice guys, I'll look at mounting the spraybars on the back of the tank, this may be a problem due to the bracing bar construction on my tank, but I'll try and find a way.
I'll also look into the dosing regime ghostsword mentioned above.
mike_low3 said:
Thanks for the avice guys, I'll look at mounting the spraybars on the back of the tank, this may be a problem due to the bracing bar construction on my tank, but I'll try and find a way.
I'll also look into the dosing regime ghostsword mentioned above.

Thats ok mate. Thats what where here for. As for doseing, read the article and be careful as EI is good but is not without its troubles, Water changes, co2 and light need juggleing well. And if the flow is not right the nutrients wont get around the tank properly anyway. But give it a go, Once you get it, Your tank will be on fire! Mine is, And im still getting to grips with the EI and co2. But its all good as there is loads of peeps here that will give you a push in the right direction if anything gets tricky.
chilled84 said:
mike_low3 said:
Thanks for the avice guys, I'll look at mounting the spraybars on the back of the tank, this may be a problem due to the bracing bar construction on my tank, but I'll try and find a way.
I'll also look into the dosing regime ghostsword mentioned above.

Thats ok mate. Thats what where here for. As for doseing, read the article and be careful as EI is good but is not without its troubles, Water changes, co2 and light need juggleing well. And if the flow is not right the nutrients wont get around the tank properly anyway. But give it a go, Once you get it, Your tank will be on fire! Mine is, And im still getting to grips with the EI and co2. But its all good as there is loads of peeps here that will give you a push in the right direction if anything gets tricky.

Yes, EI introduces more work, but the results are very good, you just need to dedicate more time to it.

My tank has a punny 70W of light, and it is doing very well. 🙂