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Co2 checker blue and Drarf hair grass turning brown

Well maybe but I suspect a leak!
If you are introducing 3-4 BPS you should see more of a PH drop.. you say lots of little bubbles but does that mean as I said?
I have to use about 7-8BPS to get my PH down on a similar size tank but, bubble counting can only ever be a rough guide!
If you feel as though the tank is full of mist and the anatomiser is working ok without any leaks, then yes you will have to up the BC....
Here you go. Spray bar top left and wave maker mid right. Do you think that's the best setup for flow? Spray bar is creating surface movement and is pointing towards the upper right hand side of tank to create as much flow.

Did a soap and water test on everything last night to check for leaks. No leaks found.
Here you go. Spray bar top left and wave maker mid right. Do you think that's the best setup for flow? Spray bar is creating surface movement and is pointing towards the upper right hand side of tank to create as much flow.

Did a soap and water test on everything last night to check for leaks. No leaks found.
You may be gassing off your co2 with the spray bar pointing up, point it down slightly and use the power head to create surface movement, Ime you will use a 2kg co2 canister in around 6-8 weeks for your size tank, up the gas and see if you get the colour change ph drop closer to 1 point, only do this when you can watch livestock to resolve any issues, fwiw on my 3ft tank with an inline diffuser I couldn't count the bubbles to get a lime green dc, it was more a constant stream than bubbles per second.
You don't seem to get enough power from your spray bar (is your pump/filter up for the job?) and I highly recommend that you place your wave maker/power head on the same left side as the spray bar facing in the same direction as the spray bar to ensure they are not working against each other (the placing of your wave maker is common in a reef tank, but not good for a planted tank).
The best thing to do is to get a spray bar on the back glass over the full length facing to the front.
Thanks going to change the spray bar at the weekend. Some good new my pH has dropped to 6.8 🙂 and the hair grass seem to be doing a lot better with the lower light. Only down side is that the longer hair grass has turned brown and is dieing and the Microsorum pteropus 'Trident' .. on driftwood - has started to turn black and is also dieing back. Any ideas why? I've started addiing El fertiliser but only have one light 54w t8 on. Is this enough light?
The funny thing about plants is that often they are already dying but you don't see it yet, just a few days or week they show signs that they are dying to you (dying or not doing well), this is especially the case with ferns.
A pH drop to 6.8 seems a bit low or are you coming from a pH of 7.8? I would go easy on the EI at first as plant are not doing well they won't take up as much, at the moment they mainly need CO2.
So co2 is about 4-6bsp which is the only way to get my drop checker to turn green. Fish seem to be coping fine with it. I started the El on Monday and doing what it says alternate days micro, macro and then rest over the weekend. If I reduce this do I need to add anything else and when do you think I should use my other 54w light, if at all?

Cheers for the feedback guys!