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Mr P

4 Oct 2011
NW london
hello, I have been using clearmax as a water clarifier In one of my tanks. the water is very clear and everything (fish and plants) seems to be doing verywell.does anybody else use it or know of any pros and cons about using it,?
all the best roy.
Dont know much about clearmax as Purigen is the clear water choice for most. Sits in your filter and works for months before changing/recharging. Its quite incredible, gin clear!!
How much purigen would toy say you would need?

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hi, how long does purigen tend to last in your tanks?. I have to change clearmax every 6 weeks.
thanks for the info, I have ordered some purigen today and will give it ago.i have a 175ltr tank, how much do you think I would need to put in ?
thanks roy.
thanks, I have some media bags kicking about and the filter is due a clean at the end of the month so I should be able to put some purigen in then.
all the best roy.