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Christmas Come early

Glad you've solved the dilemma and you can look forward to getting set up...keep us posted😉
Will do bud although I can't seem to upload pics. Thanks for the help and advice, let's see if I can put it in to action!
Apart from getting and cycling my filter then adding my shrimp back in that's me!! Not quite how I'd like it (need a bigger tank!) but million miles away from where it started. How long until it all dies away 😕 place your bets now lol

How can I upload pics via my iPhone?? It says the extension is unsupported or some drivel!!
So....just to repeat myself...got John Innes No3, Fluval 206 and only 15w T8. How do you guys think this will be?
Anything additional you should think I should do?
Only have 3 amanos, 12 MTS and 2 nerite snails at the mo but they ain't in the tank.
What about fish? A school of cloud minnows or something?