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Chose a good African schooling fish that will not eat all the shrimp or tear up plants.

Cyprichromis sp. ? Not sure if they'd be shrimp safe
An easy idea would be Congo tetra's but again, iffy on the shrimps...unfortunately small shoaling fish from Africa are few and far between..
Norman's Lampeye ?

Oop's seem's It was already mentioned🙄
Stating the obvious, but what about Aplocheilichthys normani?

Looks like a mean little killi that could eat a shrimp 1/2 its own size.
But I might try them as the amanos are large and I really do not care if they pick off the RCS, I got hundreds breeding like roaches.

Yes, Congo tetras and the Arnold's, they are too big and would trash the finer plants, had them before.

Norman's lampeye is the best option I've seen as of late.
There's Barbus hulstaerti

I likely could get some Chinoglanis cats also.