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Changing my Setup


7 Apr 2010
So I have been running my tank for around 4 weeks now and other than some small bits of algae its looking good, I'm still not happy with my co2 levels, my ph isn't dropping enough so just working my way through the check lists on here.

One thing I did today was to move my inline diffuser so its before my filter intake, however not sure if this is the right thing to do, hearing the can get clogged. Also since moving it I'm not seeing any co2 bubbles in the tank is that to be expected as the bubbles will dissipate as they go through the filter.

Also is there a right way round for these ? i.e should the water direction flow a certain way through them ? I wouldn't think so as they are just a tube.
There is a right and wrong way depending on the type you have is it an up? Boyu?
I got it from CO2 Art its the Intense Aquarium Atomizer, unfortunately it didn't come with any instructions.
Well there online here right now. Pm them I'm sure they will help you. 🙂
Missed them will send an email

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So it can go anyway which is what I thought, however I have one further question,

Should you see signs of co2 (bubbles misting etc) in the tank if you put it via the inlet pipe of your filter ? or should it be well mixed by then (I have an ADA Super Jet Cannister filter)