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Cerges Reactor w/ Venturi

20 Dec 2019
South Carolina
For a while I have been using a needle wheel pump for my co2 diffusion and while it works well, I’m not convinced that just the mist is enough for my sumped setup, not to mention its unsightly. I have not been happy with my plant growth and have noticed some unsightly algae that I believe is due to an imbalance of CO2. I have since acquired a water filter housing to create a cerges style reactor. I will be following the typical setup, however, I’ve incorporated a Venturi line that feeds directly into my needle wheel. Once the bubble at the top reaches that point, the Venturi will suck in the undissolved CO2 and return it to the cerges as a mist that will continue to break down or be shot out. I will have the exit pointed right at my return pump. The Venturi and co2 line are both being fed into the top of the water filter, I drilled two small 3/16 holes and shoved the hoses through. I did it this way so I can see the co2 bubbles being injected as I don’t have a bubble counter (co2 hose isn’t inserted in this picture). I’ll advise my results once it gets going for a while 👍🏻A0CE078C-4059-4887-BA78-1D00F6B95837.jpeg
Whelp, turns out this reactor works really well. The Venturi for sure is assisting, however, it’s providing a light mist during the whole cycle. It’s currently about 3-4” down so I will need to push it down even further, OR, put an irrigation ball valve on it to keep the bubbles from getting sucked in too quickly early on.
Did you try replacing the center tube with a plastic bottle as in my version?
No sir I haven’t tried the reverse water bottle method yet. At the moment the setup is handling my gas quite well but I could use less mist which is my own doing with the Venturi hose placement.
Interesting, I've seen Tom's version of it. But I'm interested the noise of the pump and the hitting bubbles.. Tried it here but the aquamedic return pump started to make too much noise for my taste.
The noise level is minimal, the needle wheel pump handles the bubble rate just fine. I’d imagine the bigger the needle wheel the quieter it would be. This one only puts out 99gph and it’s handling my injection rate like a champ.
@foxfish The bottle trick is working nicely! I used a bottle similar to the one I posted above and today I came home to a lime/yellow DC. Bubble rate is pretty significant as I expected but working well and NO gas buildup at all. My pump is a reef octopus Aquatrance 1000S with a max output of 100gph and its plenty to handle this reactor thankfully. I’ll post it working when I can this week 👍🏻