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Centre piece fish for a tank with cherry shrimp


25 Jul 2010
I have a 180L mature low tech tank, heavily planted with mainly epiphytes and crypts. Stocking is 4 phantoms tetras and 1 Pygmy Cory (those are aged and leftover from an old scape) and 12 zebra danio, along with a large colony of cherry shrimp.

I would like some more corys of some sort. Pandas are my fav but I didn’t have much luck with the last batch I got. My water is hard kent water so I think I need to go with slightly more boring looking bronze variety as they are more hardy.

But what can I go with as a centre price fish that won’t eat my cherry shrimp and will also cope in harder water?
I live in central beds and water is also hard, I have had 5 bronze corys for quite a while now and they are thriving.
They are fascinating to watch and they even take naps lol.
Do you have a journal or photos of your set up?
There are quite a few variations on the bronze - albino, green laser, gold laser, venezuelan. You might look at habrosus though if you like the smaller cories.

Are you looking for size, colour or behaviour in your centre piece? You could look at the Pseudomugil rainbows - a few colour variations but all quite small mouthed. Male endlers would give you colour and movement without bothering the shrimp.