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Carpet of Blyxa Japonica


11 Nov 2007
Yaxley, Peterborough
Anyone done a carpet of Blyxa Japonica?

George gave me a good few specimens a while back, and i've been growing and seperating them ever since. Nearly achieved a good carpet running the entire length of my tank (200 cm). 😀
sounds nice any chance of a pic?
Would like to see that also, would look nice on a large tank, but for a small tank might be too tall for a carpet.
Looking forward to the photos 😉
Always thought of having a nice bush of Blyxa in my tank, but always heard bad things from mail ordered Blyxa Japonica.
What sort of requirements does it require?
I have a 125 ltr 27gal tank with 40watt of light. pressurized co2 @ 1 bps and daily tropica ferts.
Definately only for the large tank. lol

That Blyxia of George's wa 6 inches tall in my tank which is nearly 1/3rd. I can understand just how much you are getting from it though. I was pulling it out every few days. lol
