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Can someone kindly work out EI for me?


15 Jan 2014
West Yorkshire
Can someone kindly work out EI for me? I'm really bad with this reading and understanding.. I want to try starting to dose with dry salts instead of mixing Ei but I cannot work it out!!
I'm dosing a 250 litre and a 85 litre
I would appreciate it if someone could tell me how much to put in in each tank please

Many thanks


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For 250l dose 3 times a week, assuming 5-6gr per tsp.
KNO3 -> 7.5ppm -> 3gr (1/2 tsp)
KH2PO4 - > 1.3ppm -> 0.44gr (1/10 tsp).
MgSO4.7H2O -> 5ppm -> 12gr (2 tsp).

Trace -> 0.5ppm -> 1.5gr -> 1/3 tsp.

Use about 1/3 of the above amounts for 85l.

You will definitely be better and easier to dose DIY solutions.

Premix the above and dose 50ml per dose for 250l and 15ml for the 85l, much easier and quicker than faffing with 1/10 of a tsp. DONE....🙂

For 250l dose 3 times a week, assuming 5-6gr per tsp.
KNO3 -> 7.5ppm -> 3gr (1/2 tsp)
KH2PO4 - > 1.3ppm -> 0.44gr (1/10 tsp).
MgSO4.7H2O -> 5ppm -> 12gr (2 tsp).

Trace -> 0.5ppm -> 1.5gr -> 1/3 tsp.

Use about 1/3 of the above amounts for 85l.

You will definitely be better and easier to dose DIY solutions.

Premix the above and dose 50ml per dose for 250l and 15ml for the 85l, much easier and quicker than faffing with 1/10 of a tsp. DONE....🙂
Ian that's great thank you I appreciate that 🙂 .. I think I will mix it lol .. As you say looks a little less faffing🙂

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Haha!! Like it .. I have some of those I do that when I go away so my son can keep up the fertz for me 🙂

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Probably as they cant get hold of KNO3 in their country. Just makes is all more complicated. EI based on the far superior KNO4 for K and NO3.
You could just use a teaspoon and estimate it roughly, as long as you don't under dose its fine later add more if your lacking.