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Can someone double check my E.I. calculations for me?


25 Jun 2012
Ok, so I hope I have done this right..first time I have made it myself!

Instructions online:

4tsp Potassium Nitrate
1tsp Potassium Phosphate
6tsp Magnesium Sulphate
500ml Water

Then dose 10ml per 50l of tank.

I have a 350l tank, so I wanted to make more than 500ml of the solution, and wanted to make it stronger.

So, I doubled all the measurements above to make 1l of the solution.

Then I doubled it again to make it twice as strong.

So I mixed up:

16tsp Potassium Nitrate
4tsp Potassium Phosphate
24tsp Magnesium Sulphate
1000ml Water

Then I can dose 5ml per 50l per day = 35ml per day?

Have I understood all of that correctly?
If a bigger bottle and you wanted it stronger why have you then halved the original dose after doubling it as in effect your dosing half of the stronger dose you wanted.. if ive thought that through right (it is late and my brains on auto mode)
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I only wanted it stronger so I have to dose 35ml per day instead of 70. So the ultimate treatment of the tank will be the same, but in a smaller, more concentrated volume 🙂
Be careful when increasing the strength as you may find that you will no longer be able to dissolve that much ingredient in that much water at room temperature. I run using 1.5 times the original values you gave and it all appears to dissolve, but others have had issues when trying to make stronger solutions.