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Can Kuhli loaches sense electromagnetic fields?


23 Nov 2008
Edinburgh / Dunbar - Scotland
I've got a notion that my dwarf kuhli Pangio cuneovirgat can. Their tank sits on top of an ikea cabinet and at one end there is a horrific fire hazard waiting to happen in the form of an extension cable sitting next to the tank. First of all they always seem to congregate at this end of the tank and when they noodle en mass it's always right there next to the extension and nowhere else, but I also notice that I can bump the cabinet, the tank, put things down heavily on it etc. and the fish aren't that bothered but whenever I plug or unplug anything from the extension the kuhlis freak out. There's nothing else that seems to bother them the same way. I know that some fish can sense electromagnetic fields - is it possible kuhlis are one of them? They otherwise seem to be in excellent health and appear to be fat and happy.