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can i grow riccia?

Ben M

1 Sep 2009
hi, i would like to get some riccia, but i'm not sure that it would grow in my tank. the tank is 4ft, 216l, and i have 1.25 wpg of t8 lighting, and i dose 5ml TPN+ daily, but i will soon be changing to EI. i don't use any c02. will it grow in my tank? i would like to grow it on some rocks at the bottom, (about 45cm deep). if it won't grow very quickly in my tank, then could i grow it any better in my brothers tank, so that it will spread and i will have enough to make a carpet on some rocks. my brother has a 120l tank, with 1.5 wpg of t5, and he doses 5ml daiy of TPN+. would it grow better in his tank than mine? and would it grow well floating?

cheers 😀