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Can I convert to Rimless?

Wow - so cheap! And you can vouch for the quality? 4mm glass seems a little on the thin side - based on the research I've been doing..
Well it aint an ADA Opti white.. 🙂 But the glass is regular blank floated glass.. I'm using one for a year now and it's nothing realy wrong with it other than it has black kit.. The seams are pretty small about 5mm so looking at a green glass edge or a black kit beat isn't much difference but still i would like to have it in clear kit. It's a matter of taste. Another thing i noticed during the scaping part that the glass has a kind of slight distorsion, this you only notice when you gaze long time trough the glass in different angles. It is so little only a nit picker like me would notice. Maybe that's just a proppertie of regular blank floated glass, it isn't 100% perfectly flat there are very little impurities but they are there. Some sheets of glass probably could have more than others.. Inspect the tank closely before bying, if you have the chance put some hardware in and look trough the glass from different angles and pick the best you'll find.. 🙂

The 4mm thikness is more then enough for a 30 cm height, doesn't realy matter how big you make your aquarium in lenght and depth as long as you don't go over 35 cm height the safety factor for glass thickness is 4mm. It's the height of the tank changing the pressure inside and this infuences the safety factor and glass thickness. When i calculated my 90x35x35cm tank it also gave me 4mm glass thickness, still i went for 6mm, just because i like it.

As i said glass aint that expensive it's the labor that is.. 🙂 I payed €32 for the glass and would have payed double for opti white, so that would be €64 for same dimension in opti white.. I didn't because it was my first DIY aquarium build.. Next one is going to be opti white for sure.

Building an aquarium aint difficult, as long as you work very clean with preparing the glass.. Once it is orderly prepared, it's a matter of working fast and apply the kit within it's curing time.. So preparing is 1 or 2 hours work, the kitting part has to be done within 12 to 15 minutes.. Professionals don't need so much preparing after building a 100 tanks you'll kit with your eyes closed and a finger in your nose. So that makes the essambled regular tank prices actualy always and everywhere a bit overrated when you look at the material costs.. 🙂