I have an exisitng, fairly mature 160l tank, which I am slowly starting to plant. I have always struggled to get plants to grow and having read the forum posts here I can see why. I'm about to buy a pressurised CO2 kit but want to also put a substrate like ADA Amazonia in. The tank is due it's 6 monthly strip down and clean and I was hoping to be able to add the substrate then. However from what I have read the substrate releases ammonia and needs at least a week to stabilise and the fish probably wouldn't enjoy being in the tank whilst this happens. I don't have another tank I can put my fish into whilst this happens so does anyone know of a substrate that is safe to put into a mature tank or an idea of a way round this. I was perhaps thinking of putting the substrate into a large container with a filter, heater, some plants and aquarium water to get it settled and then putting it into the tank. Do peopl think this might work?