Hi guys, has anyone used CAL Aqua ferts, I have just started using them in 2 newly established tanks, its early days but everything seems ok but i would like to clarify exactly what I am dosing and if anything is missing, growth seems good and no really signs of algae yet apart from diatoms.
The range of cal ferts can be seen here -
I am dosing Chrome (essential trace elements plus additional growth enhancers), Shine (Potassium salt and organic acid growth enhancers) and Carbo-L (organic carbon).
Both tanks are about 40ltrs both with injected co2 and medium lighting, plants are fairly simular carpet of MC (from a dry start) some DHG and HG with a range of mosses and some buce plants, both with Aquasoil substrate.
From what I can tell (the Cal Aqua site doesn't exactly say what is in each fertiliser) I have trace / micro dosing covered with the Chrome and Potassium covered with the Shine, I am missing "N" to supply nitrate? or does the Shine fert contain both P and N (in the form of Potassium Nitrate).
If anyone has any previous experience with these ferts would be great to hear from you.
The range of cal ferts can be seen here -
I am dosing Chrome (essential trace elements plus additional growth enhancers), Shine (Potassium salt and organic acid growth enhancers) and Carbo-L (organic carbon).
Both tanks are about 40ltrs both with injected co2 and medium lighting, plants are fairly simular carpet of MC (from a dry start) some DHG and HG with a range of mosses and some buce plants, both with Aquasoil substrate.
From what I can tell (the Cal Aqua site doesn't exactly say what is in each fertiliser) I have trace / micro dosing covered with the Chrome and Potassium covered with the Shine, I am missing "N" to supply nitrate? or does the Shine fert contain both P and N (in the form of Potassium Nitrate).
If anyone has any previous experience with these ferts would be great to hear from you.