Hi all, so I've been running a 3kg bottle on my 60l tank for about 3 months now. When I initially set it up the high pressure gauge was around the 700ish mark but i've just noticed it's dropped to just above the red 500 mark. Is this an indication that it's running out? How low should the pressure in the tank be allowed to go before I get a refill?
The picture shows the pressure now. As said it's a 3kg bottle and I've been running at about 1 bubble a second for 6 hours per day for not 3 months yet and I was expecting it to last longer.
The picture shows the pressure now. As said it's a 3kg bottle and I've been running at about 1 bubble a second for 6 hours per day for not 3 months yet and I was expecting it to last longer.
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