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Building a three tier 4' rack... or three :D


29 Aug 2011
I am planning a rack to hold a combination of tanks 😀 the bottom tier being a 4'x2'x2' scape tank,
the next tiers various pairs of tanks from 2'6"x1'3"x1'(88.5l) and 1'6"x1'3"x1'(42.5l) to two 2'x1'6"x1'(85l) side by side. I'm not sure how much room I'll need above the tanks for access but i'm guessing I could do it with 6" as the four foot tank would jut out 6" further than the rest if the rest had a 6" space behind them for workings making easier down below.
should this be successful I know I will make/construct more
Does any body have any ideas or experience to share
I'm currently pondering wood or metal?
thankyou, currently googling it, not sure about it as there is'nt full metal construction with the fibreboard shelves not sure I would trust it to hold most of my current work for the years to come if it gets humid or water gets spilled- I have three children to teach about it and I cannot rule out spillage lol.
maybe I can get someone to weld me an angle iron with bracing, legless flat bottom and coat it.... just where to locate such skills? maybe wharf aquatics can get a custom build with inter locking collapsible tiers or at least point me in the right direction ?..I will ask them tomorrow.
:geek: ok after doing some calculations a rack is out of the question for where I had originally planned due to sheer weight 🙁 so more assessments to be made at plan b site 😉 concrete not floorboards 😳