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Bucephalandra for Discus tank

Paul Sabucchi

7 May 2017
Adriatic Coast Italy
Hi, I am setting up a 400 liter tank but taking my time as I am getting 10 or so juvie discus for my 50th birthday in February. The tank will be left bare untill they have done most of their growing then I'd like to use my oak "tree" (any yips on how to strip the bark?).
I would like to grow some epiphitic plants on the "branches" and would like to try some Buce. As it grows slowly I could use the intervening time (about 2 years?) to grow enough to cover about 4 linear ft of branches. For this purpose I have 2 unused shallow tanks (35×40×22cm) that I can equip with plant growth red/blue led strips, heater and small pump for water movement. I would appreciate some advice about what variety to chose, I would like one that grows not too slow (kedangang?), with leaves similar to the oak (wavy leaf, brownie blue?) and that stays pretty low. Availability over here is limited, some UK retailers ship but would like to ensure it is done by courier as regular post is reliable but slow to get from the UK (1-2 weeks for royal mail small packets). Any tips on how to grow it out in the temporary tanks, what to use as temporary support (I have some plastic canvas #7 left over from the scrubber), substrate, ferts, source of CO2. My tapwater is soft (90 ppm). Thanks
You might consider a dry start for 6 months or so, I don't know much about Bruce though.
You could add 6" of water, a heater & a filter, fit a glass top & give it lots of light?
Most plant will grow very strongly in that sort of environment and the tank will still be interesting to look at.