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Buce deficiency

Nick potts

25 Sep 2014
Hey all.

Can anyone help with my buce, it is looking like an iron or mag deficiency but I am no expert. leaves are yellowing (not showing very well in the pic)

Tank is running full 30ppm Co2 but i have reduced the ferts quite a bit as the tank in now only buce and anubius, so maybe that is the issue, i am probally adding ferts about twice a month. (DIY ei).



  • IMG_20230115_165036[137].jpg
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Hey all.

Can anyone help with my buce, it is looking like an iron or mag deficiency but I am no expert. leaves are yellowing (not showing very well in the pic)

Tank is running full 30ppm Co2 but i have reduced the ferts quite a bit as the tank in now only buce and anubius, so maybe that is the issue, i am probally adding ferts about twice a month. (DIY ei).

I remember seeing a photo very similar to this from @Hanuman . I think it was Mn of Mg?
Could be Mg or Iron as the deficiencies look similar....add some Epsom Salt and monitor for the next few days!

Magnesium (Mg) plays an important role in photosynthesis, because it forms important part of the plant’s green color pigment (chlorophyll). A deficiency is often shown by a pale or yellow discoloration of older leaves, whereas the leaf veins usually remain green. Magnesium is still a rather underrated nutrient in planted aquariums. If you want to get more involved with the topic, we recommend our Wiki article about the calcium-magnesium ratio.

magnesion deficiency
I remember seeing a photo very similar to this from @Hanuman . I think it was Mn of Mg?
Mine looked somewhat different and to be honest, to this day, it would be pure speculation to say what it was, specially because it didn't affect all leaves. Just a few, here and there, randomly. You can see in the picture below how surrounding leaves look fine. In the case of the OP all leaves seems affected. Also I stay away from diagnosing micro deficiencies. It's not my specialty and as straightforward as it looks like and many times over it could be a combination of multiple deficiencies or simply something else.
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