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bubble counter question-urgent


6 Dec 2011
I just picked up all my bits from AE, to get my FE CO2 setup.
There is no sign on the bubble counter, to say what is the inlet/outlet. This bubble counter has an inbuilt check valve, and im not sure which side is which. here's a pic:

i was hoping to connect this all up in the morning...please help!
Inlet is at the bottom of the image you linked. The little plastic nib that's visible is where the CO2 bubbles come out of but prevents it draining when you fill it with fluid.

You could also blow it, the check valve will stop one way but allow the other hopefully 😉

Hope that helps.
Thanks, very helpful.
Another newbie question!
Does it matter if I place the bubble counter next to the reg, or outside the tank?
Not sure I quite understand you, Vygec.
The order I have mine is regulator > check valve > bubble counter > atomiser/ reactor/ diffuser.
As long as there in that order, should be fine.
Does that help?
I was referring to the physical location, but thanks. i have it all setup but i have a problem with the regulator. I have the TMC Pro reg. The cylinder pressure has just over 50 on it but the working pressure does not go above 0. when i turned it on for the first time, i ensured the needle valve was all the way in, but i had a rush of bubbles on the bubble counter, then this slowed down. Now i dont get anything on this, regardless of how much i turn the needle valve in or out. the solenoid light is on, but no response from the regulator working pressure, and hence nothing coming out of my atomiser (easy aqua super mist).
Any ideas on if im doing anything wrong, or is the regulator knackered?

I have turned the needle valve
Any suggestions if my regulator is at fault or not please?
Sorry for the delay, Vygec. Was preoccupied yesterday and never got a chance to check in.

Like Davem suggested, I would disconnect the tube from the diffuser and see if any gas comes through then. You could also do the same for the bubble counter to see if the CO2 has stopped at the regulator or further along the line.

My suspicion lies with the diffuser however, as I've heard they need quite a high pressure to force the gas through. I've never used one though, so I could well be wrong. I do have the TMC pro reg though and the 0 working pressure seems strange. I'm currently using it with one of the UP inline atomisers and everything seems fine, the working pressure sits at 2 bar.

Let us know how you get on.