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Brown leaves in high tech...


17 Feb 2013
No, not on the plants, but added - oak, beech etc.

I see the addition of these get mentioned quite a bit in the species guide on seriously fish, and I quite like the idea and aesthetic of it. It's something I would tend to associate more with the low tech tanks I've seen on here.

Has anyone used them in a high tech tank - photos please!

Seems like a nice addition to the hardscape/visual interest to me, and I'd guess the fish might 'like' it too?

I always try and have leaves on the go, just a couple at a time. My fave are some ornamental cherry leaves I picked up from the little lads nursery grounds back end of last year, they were a lovely red/burnt orange when collected and now dried a reddish/orangy/brown! Look great in the tank. I have some oak ones too.

The SAE's and shrimp love to graze on them and nosy underneath 🙂

Problem is pinning them down when you have intergalactic flow going on, I tend to wedge mine under a rock to hold in place lol And i just leave them in til they're dissintegrated.