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Brewing in a Co2 setup


11 Jun 2009
So I got my DIY CO2 going

Had a thought

If I put fruit juice in instead of sugar water, do you think I could make a nice tasting tipple?
What yeast do you use?

Bakers yeast I guess?

Im obviously talking about using brewers yeast.....


Im guessing brewers yeast may also last longer, you can also get yeasts that can take higher alcohol concentrations, meaning if there is enough sugar it should last longer....
I quite liked the taste of my sugary, fizzy alcoholic concoctions after a couple of weeks on the windowsill!
Only the slightly bewildered looks from people stopped me consuming much! :lol:
I did wonder what sort of % alc. it got upto though 🙄
gratts said:
I quite liked the taste of my sugary, fizzy alcoholic concoctions after a couple of weeks on the windowsill!
Only the slightly bewildered looks from people stopped me consuming much! :lol:
I did wonder what sort of % alc. it got upto though 🙄

Sounds quite nice...

a salad of HM and Downoi leaves 😉
Main course of shrimp.
and Co2 brew to wash it down with!
Certain champagne yeasts are the best to use as they have the highest tolerance to alcohol of them all, something like 15-16% or more and so people use it to restart stuck ferments. A general wine makers yeast would be good though and would hit 14% which would be a good lump above bakers yeast I imagine as you just want a fast acting one for that.

I'm not sure I'd ever drink or even try the dregs from anything I'd put on a fish tank though. Yuck. 😀
I've tried a winekit - worked quite well ... taken 3 bottles of wines to parties... lots of tiddly folks 😀
