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Breeding Trigonostigma hengeli

Ben M

1 Sep 2009
Hi, I've noticed that a few of my female Trigonostigma hengeli are very large, and appear to be full of eggs. So I'd like to have a go at breeding them. The only tank that I could breed them in (other than the main tank), is a quite recently set up planted nano (40l), which houses a solitary otto (which will eventually be joined by more) and will soon have some red cherry shrimp. The water is around pH 7, but I could add some oak/beech leaves to soften the water. How should I go about attempting to breed them? Do they breed best in a big group, or should I select a pair and put them in by themselves? I'll feed them up on frozen/live foods when they are in the nano for a week or so before trying to spawn them. What could I do to encourage spawning?

cheers 😀
Yes it would be good to condition them up on live and frozen foods. Keep them feeling safe and secure. I would maybe try 1 male to 2 or 3 females.

Assuming they are egg scatterers, a layer of marbles over the bottom of the tank will make sure the eggs fall out of reach of the adults who might try to eat them. You would then need to remove the parents after spawning.
What were you planning to feed them? They will be microscopic!! Adding Java moss to the tank might help feed them for a little while, and would give them security.

The Otto and shrimp may well eat the eggs. You'd be better off with a bare bottom with marbles or a moss layer.