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Brazilian pennywort browning leaves

17 Nov 2021
I've had this (what was sold to me as) Brazilian Pennywort in my tank as a floater for roughly 4/5 weeks now

No Co2
Dosing easy life profito once p/w
Low(ish) light tank (Aquasky LED) as kept on a relatively dim output for most of the day due to the fish I keep

Within the past week I have noticed that a lot of the leaves are turning brown. Any idea what this is and how to remedy?

Any advice appreciated 20220823_221435.JPG20220823_221422.JPG
Dosing easy life profito once p/w

It may not be the cause of your current issue, which as @plantnoobdude @Hufsa says, looks like diatoms, but EasyLife Profito contains no nitrate or phosphate, two of the essential macro nutrients for plant growth and health.

I would suggest switching to a comprehensive fertilizer such as TNC Complete or APT EI (EI version doesn't have to be dosed at EI levels, its just more concentrated so better value).
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A third vote for Diatoms. Have you got any Bladder or Ramshorn Snails in your tank? These will get rid of Diatoms and are self regulating as far as numbers. A balance will eventually be achieved between amount of available food and snail population.
Day045.JPGMy Diatoms before snails.
Day050.JPGMy Diatoms 4 days after Snails
Who is Matthew 😂

I wondered if you'd ask that. It was a 90's talent show called 'Stars In Their Eye's'. After an introductory chat with host "Matthew" Kelly the contestant would then say "Tonight Matthew, I'm going to be . . ." and they'd then quote the name of the singing star they'd impersonate before disappearing in a plume of smoke, and remerging dressed as their chosen star before singing a ditty:

Haha sorry.. Matthew Kelly was a presenter of a show called "Stars in their eyes." People would transform themselves into their favourite singer, but before they dissapeard behind a screen they would announce who they were going to become by saying "And tonight Matthew I'm going to be..."
