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BOOM! These things suck.


19 Jul 2017
I'm having a nightmare keeping my Salvinia away from my Eheim Skimmer and it's pretty much rendered it useless (i.e. I can't use it). I've tried several 'fixes' (inserting various pipes, caps, foam and mesh) which only seem to sink the floating head, making the issue much worse.

Is there any kind of 'boom' available I could float around it? I've tried the old 'sealed ring of air hose tube' around it but of course that prevents detritus/oils etc getting sucked in.

Any suggestions for a boom of some sort?
I would make a frame out of some drinking straws. Put the salvinia in it and fix it with a sucking cup on a side away from the skimmer.

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What Eheim skimmer do you exactly have? The Skim350 standalone skimmer or the 3535 cannister extension?

Anyway i think skimmer or overflow doesn't make much of a difference it both does the same.. 🙂 And i solved it like this. The overflows are DIY but the slid cap on top is from another excisting sunsun filter inlet, it just happen to have the exact same diamaleter 25mm as the pvc pipe fitting it is on it and fits snugly to it. As you can see i have enough Salvinia and the much smaller duckweed etc. And it can't fall in and all the tiny slids prevent it from getting blocked.

Its the soft pvc cap from this sunsun filter inlet..
These kind of inlet baskets you find around in all kinda sizes and models or materials.. See what diameter fits to your skimmer inlet and searcch for a fitting basket. Maybe visiting a pond shop is your best option. 🙂 They usualy have different models and sizes to offer. Pond filter installations are always partialy DIY solutions also in diameters you never will find in an lfs for aquarium only. In regular aqaurium shops sizes are a bit limited to fit 16mm or 22mm hoses regardles the standard tank size and thats about it. :thumbup:
I use those small black rubber bands women use for there hair... cant remember exactly what they are called but they do the job of stopping most stuff getting sucked into my eheim skim 350, tho shrimp still find there way in. You just use 3 or so around the top inlet, I will take a photo later.