I seem to be getting some dots on my Anubias, originally thought it was algae but not 100%, as I got some on leaves that am growing emersed?
Pics of affected leaves (Phone pics so not the greatest)?

Still not 100% but all I can gather is BBA but it doesnt pretude the leaf, seems flat, black dots.Which then leaves me to beleive a deficiency?
I started dosing EasyCarbo for the last week, just as a precaution but is low tech, and I have been dosing API LeafZone, and Seachem Phosphorous.
Pics of affected leaves (Phone pics so not the greatest)?

Still not 100% but all I can gather is BBA but it doesnt pretude the leaf, seems flat, black dots.Which then leaves me to beleive a deficiency?
I started dosing EasyCarbo for the last week, just as a precaution but is low tech, and I have been dosing API LeafZone, and Seachem Phosphorous.