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Best way to store plants

glenn farrar

22 Aug 2014
Hi guys

I have my first ever plants arriving tomorrow so exciting times! I was just wondering what the best way to store them for 3 days would be? I have read a couple of threads saying to pop them in the fridge but other threads are saying to seal them in a pot with some minimal light, the weather here for the next few days is going to be fairly warm so would I also need to mist them or water them Maybe? Any advice is always greatly received.

Thanks in advance

Hi Glenn, Invitro plants can be kept in a cool dark place or fridge for a few days, best to bring them back up to room temperature for a few hours or overnight before planting, normal potted plants can be kept well in a sealed back no need for light IMO, take them out of the bag and give them a quick rinse daily then seal up the bag again, these methods have worked for me in the past.
- Like Tim says......I can only add, that "cooler" storage slow down the activity in the potted plants, too (which help them stay fresh, a little longer).
I have been storing plants in a bucket for months now. I placed an led light unit over them for 8hrs a day on full blast and they've bee fine and surviving.
Once I made a plant order and because of postage issues they spent 2 weeks in a box. They all melted upon introducing them into the tank, some of them I lost completely. When my tank lights broke down once, 2-3 weeks without light was enough for a complete meltdown, some disappeared pretty fast after only a few days/week.
Plants need light to survive so I don't understand why are people suggesting keeping them in dark places.
I have been storing plants in a bucket for months now. I placed an led light unit over them for 8hrs a day on full blast and they've bee fine and surviving.
Once I made a plant order and because of postage issues they spent 2 weeks in a box. They all melted upon introducing them into the tank, some of them I lost completely. When my tank lights broke down once, 2-3 weeks without light was enough for a complete meltdown, some disappeared pretty fast after only a few days/week.
Plants need light to survive so I don't understand why are people suggesting keeping them in dark places.
Please note, we're talking "a few days" , here. 🙂
The Anubias range http://en.anubias.com/ are sold in refrigerated units, emerged, sealed in plastic, sitting in a couple of mm of water, and with minimal lighting. Kinda stasis really - and they stay healthy for a long time.
So for 3 days..what Tim said. Although I've left invitro plants on my desk at room temp for a similar length of time and they were ok too.
Thanks for the replies People! I presume invitro are the plants sold in Jelly?? I have received 2 pots of eleocharis parvula from the green machine today which are as you all know in rock wool these have been put in the fridge so hopefully my other delivery will be here before the weekend and I can start planting! I am all excited and rather nervous too for some Reason!

Thanks again

Well - the OP asked for help storing plants for 3 days.........so I really think it's perfectly acceptable to answer to just that 😉