Hey everyone, I’m hopefully going to be moving into my own home for the first time in the new year. I know it’s a fair way off, but I’m having reoccurring nightmares about my fish tank.
I have a 100L tropical community tank with 14ish fish, a dozen amano shrimp, a couple of snails and about 20 billion cherry shrimp, plus a jungle of plants.
I’ve never moved a tank before and honestly don’t know the best way to approach it. I keep having nightmares that I’m going to kill all my fish, or break the tank, or crash the cycle or all the above 😫
The tanks about 4 years old now, here’s a more in depth stocking - it’s a bit rag tag because I keep inheriting other people’s left overs:
3 harlequin Rasboras
3 cloud minnows
3 false julii corys
3 bronze corys
1 unknown cory
200 something RCS
6 amano shrimp
2 nerite snails
(I think 2 assassin snails although I go months at a time without seeing them before they finally pop back up again.)

I have a 100L tropical community tank with 14ish fish, a dozen amano shrimp, a couple of snails and about 20 billion cherry shrimp, plus a jungle of plants.
I’ve never moved a tank before and honestly don’t know the best way to approach it. I keep having nightmares that I’m going to kill all my fish, or break the tank, or crash the cycle or all the above 😫
The tanks about 4 years old now, here’s a more in depth stocking - it’s a bit rag tag because I keep inheriting other people’s left overs:
3 harlequin Rasboras
3 cloud minnows
3 false julii corys
3 bronze corys
1 unknown cory
200 something RCS
6 amano shrimp
2 nerite snails
(I think 2 assassin snails although I go months at a time without seeing them before they finally pop back up again.)