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Being content


15 Feb 2016
Almost sure I've seen threads on this before, but was curious to see how many people are content with their tanks?

I find myself changing tank size, shape, plants, fish; quite regularly, and it seems to be something of a bad habit, but one I can't avoid.

I see people "updating" aquascapes every few months or so, and it makes me wonder if it's due to the aquascaping joy of creating something new and refreshing, or if it's because the scapes don't feel perfected?
Hi Aqua,

I Am just addicted to aquascaping some tanks go well some not so😉 Every new set up is learning curve 🙂 Most of the time I do not even keep fish or shrimp. I love plants once one scape is at its best and I like it. I already have plans in my head for the next scape I feel the need to move on to the next project.
If the fish are happy and the plants are happy then i achieved the ultimate goal and then i'm more than happy for them and can sincerely pat myself on the back, since nobody else will do that anyway.. But since i'm also scaping nowadays, i experience it is very hard to create the excact picture i got in mind with natural materials available. So actualy i can't get around it and there is always something to nitpick on. So in a way i have to make concessions and try the best with what i got and go back to the ultimate and most important goal and pat myself on the back again and be content. Since the fish and plants till now didn't complain about the scape they are in. Which is rather remarkable because i would if i was them. :shifty:
Almost sure I've seen threads on this before, but was curious to see how many people are content with their tanks?

I find myself changing tank size, shape, plants, fish; quite regularly, and it seems to be something of a bad habit, but one I can't avoid.

I see people "updating" aquascapes every few months or so, and it makes me wonder if it's due to the aquascaping joy of creating something new and refreshing, or if it's because the scapes don't feel perfected?

Pffffffffff - I'm glad I'm not the only one then!

I've changed my scapes about 20 times in the past year... plants in, plants out, this here, that there. My fish hate me (except they shouldn't because they always get a treat after).

To be fair, in the past few weeks I've really left them alone because I'm kind of where I want to be, on all of them. It shows in the growth if you just leave it alone I've come to realise.

Notwithstanding that point, I mean, you have to fettle with things before they're just right.
Pffffffffff - I'm glad I'm not the only one then!

I've changed my scapes about 20 times in the past year... plants in, plants out, this here, that there. My fish hate me (except they shouldn't because they always get a treat after).

To be fair, in the past few weeks I've really left them alone because I'm kind of where I want to be, on all of them. It shows in the growth if you just leave it alone I've come to realise.

Notwithstanding that point, I mean, you have to fettle with things before they're just right.

I'm lucky just now in that I currently own just one fish (Betta), but I have 8 tanks sitting there :lol::lol:

Attempting to consolidate them down to 5 or 3 if I I can, but it's difficult in this hobby lol.
I'm lucky just now in that I currently own just one fish (Betta), but I have 8 tanks sitting there :lol::lol:

Attempting to consolidate them down to 5 or 3 if I I can, but it's difficult in this hobby lol.

So easy to accept a tank, I have 3 out in the back garden - harder to get rid though.
It's super fun.. And I'm happy but not at the same time. My goal is to be able to do this for a living in 25 years so I keep redoing to improve and build reputation.. So I'm ready as I can be for when the opportunity comes along!
Never being content is part of the progression, I always find things wrong with my scapes that I wish I'd done differently, plants never behave as I'd wish them too either, I tend not to change too much lately as long as the livestock are happy but I always rescape in the end and try and take all I've learnt from one scape to the next.
What tim said pretty much goes for me too.
As I've got more experienced I tend not to change things too drastically once the scape is finished, well most of the time😉
When I returned to the hobby 5 years ago I was always moving plants hardscape etc, but I guess for me it was all part of the learning process.
Almost sure I've seen threads on this before, but was curious to see how many people are content with their tanks?

I find myself changing tank size, shape, plants, fish; quite regularly, and it seems to be something of a bad habit, but one I can't avoid.

I see people "updating" aquascapes every few months or so, and it makes me wonder if it's due to the aquascaping joy of creating something new and refreshing, or if it's because the scapes don't feel perfected?

I think I read a thread by George Farmer asking what members like about the hobby? I think we all have such different goals and motivations for our own tanks, the answer may be as individual as each member 🙂

Hi Aqua,

I Am just addicted to aquascaping some tanks go well some not so😉 Every new set up is learning curve 🙂 Most of the time I do not even keep fish or shrimp. I love plants once one scape is at its best and I like it. I already have plans in my head for the next scape I feel the need to move on to the next project.

I agree Greenfinger, that every set up is a learning curve - I think seeing the variation between two different set ups makes trying new things even more attractive!

If the fish are happy and the plants are happy then i achieved the ultimate goal and then i'm more than happy for them and can sincerely pat myself on the back, since nobody else will do that anyway.. But since i'm also scaping nowadays, i experience it is very hard to create the excact picture i got in mind with natural materials available. So actualy i can't get around it and there is always something to nitpick on. So in a way i have to make concessions and try the best with what i got and go back to the ultimate and most important goal and pat myself on the back again and be content. Since the fish and plants till now didn't complain about the scape they are in. Which is rather remarkable because i would if i was them. :shifty:

I think your right Marcel, running a balanced healthy planted tank and creating a beautiful aquascape are two completely separated skills to master within the hobby. I think striving to achieve the first and being a little more forgiving with the second is probably a good starting benchmark 🙂

I've rescaped all my tanks and am out of space (and money) for new ones so I am content for the moment.

So true, I think if I had endless money and space, things may progress faster, however as I don't, learning to be content is important otherwise it would be a slippery slope...😀😀😀
Pffffffffff - I'm glad I'm not the only one then!

I've changed my scapes about 20 times in the past year... plants in, plants out, this here, that there. My fish hate me (except they shouldn't because they always get a treat after).

To be fair, in the past few weeks I've really left them alone because I'm kind of where I want to be, on all of them. It shows in the growth if you just leave it alone I've come to realise.

Notwithstanding that point, I mean, you have to fettle with things before they're just right.

I try to refrain from mucking about too much with my tanks (& usually fail miserably) 😛

It's super fun.. And I'm happy but not at the same time. My goal is to be able to do this for a living in 25 years so I keep redoing to improve and build reputation.. So I'm ready as I can be for when the opportunity comes along!

I hope you will be successful & as aquascaping doesn't seem be as popular in Canada that's a great benefit in itself 🙂

Never being content is part of the progression, I always find things wrong with my scapes that I wish I'd done differently, plants never behave as I'd wish them too either, I tend not to change too much lately as long as the livestock are happy but I always rescape in the end and try and take all I've learnt from one scape to the next.
What tim said pretty much goes for me too.
As I've got more experienced I tend not to change things too drastically once the scape is finished, well most of the time😉
When I returned to the hobby 5 years ago I was always moving plants hardscape etc, but I guess for me it was all part of the learning process.

Perhaps a combination of experience & patience with individual projects & learning all you can to improve for the next time is the best way to progress 🙂
To reference Steven Chong, it all comes down to specifying your intentions or goals.

For me it's all about learning, so I'm always content no matter what things look like. But at the same time I always have a vision of how it can be better.

If you could create a perfect scape from the onset and just let it mature into amazing-ness then that would be awesome , but also...how boring for you not to be able to grow and evolve with your work.

As a casual hobbyist, content is a great place to be. As an artist or professional, it's the death card.

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